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Nicaragua Outreach

Paula and Kim Edwards made their first trip to Nicaragua in January 2006 with Dr.
Donald and Pam Gillette, co-founders of Because We Care Ministry. Since then,
they have made numerous trips back to Nica, sometimes accompanied by members
of Bethany UMC. Because We Care Ministries works in one of the poorest areas of
the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere--Nicaragua.
The entire membership of Bethany has been very supportive of BWCM and
especially supportive of Mannafest, a feeding program in Nicaragua during the
Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season.
A sign in the casa reads, “It’s All About Jesus.” Jesus tells us in Matthew 25 to
feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those
in jail, and to welcome the stranger. BWCM often takes a doctor to the villages,
sponsors a school, distributes food and clothing, and presents the Gospel. A quote
attributed to St. Francis says, “Always preach the Gospel and use words if
necessary.” Kim says, “As members of a short term mission, we do all we can to
fulfill the ministry of BWCM. I have found that we plan to go to help and change
the people we are visiting. What happens to me and to others is WE are the ones

If anyone seeks further information and has questions, please contact Kim Edwards
at 336-977-3950 (call or text) or at home 336-877-2243.
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